Friday, April 3, 2009


Have I told you about BzzAgent yet? I'm a member, and I thought you might like to be one too (joining is free). I get to try products and services at no cost with samples, coupons and stuff like that. Then I make my voice heard by sharing my honest opinions with others, including some of the largest companies in the world. Want to learn more and sign up to join in the fun?

Would you like to have a HOUSE PARTY??

A House Party™ is thousands of parties across the country, hosted by people like you. Each event is sponsored by a leading brand and focuses on something cool that the sponsor wants its best fans to experience firsthand and share with their friends

This site is great! When you apply for a party that is open, you fill out the application and they will notify you if you are selected, then if you are House Party sends you a Party Pack filled with all types of goodies for your party. I have done numerous ones. They are a lot of fun. So Sign up today and get in on the HOUSE PARTY. The party packages don't cost you anything.

Are you getting married this year. Check this out.

Create a registry with the following site and you could get free items for adding items to your registry. Check them out.





FREE Oregon 150th Birthday Bar

FREE Stuff People Are Giving Away~Check Your Area

The FreeNapkin system is very easy to use simply claim items you want and then provide a positive feedback once you receive the item. You can also donate as well unused items. It is simple to upload your item onto freenapkin. The system casts-out the normal buyers/sellers and replaces them with the claimers/donators. When you become a registered user (becoming a registered user is quick and free) you can list any item around the house on your account. Once your item is claimed ask the claimer to leave you a positive feedback. Once you are a registered member of freenapkin your status is both a donator/claimer. You are not obligated to donate or obligated to claim as you can do either free of choice.

Emergen C Blue Sample & Stickers

Emergen-C Blue Packet FREE Just register below and we’ll send you FREE STICKERS and a FREE SAMPLE of Emergen-C® BLUE™. Drinking BLUE can help make a healthier you*, and a healthier planet. Plus using these stickers is a great way to show off that you've "gone BLUE." So sign-up today…you’ll receive stickers from Emergen-C, Jay Alders, and the Surfrider Foundation®, one packet of BLUE, one valuable coupon toward your first purchase of BLUE, and one really good feeling for helping protect our oceans.


This is on April 4th from 12-4. Something fun to do on a Saturday with the kids.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Happy Monday!

Good Morning to all. First I want to say I am sorry for being gone for a week. I had come down with something that just wouldn't go away. I am feeling better now and today I will be updating the blog with all the goodies to share with everyone. I have a week to catch up on so make sure you scroll down to catch them all.

I have found a great offer for free stuff if you are getting married this year. So keep an eye out it will all be posted a little later today.

Have a great day and Happy Freebie hunting.